Purple Tree Under Bridge

Purple Tree Under Bridge, originally uploaded by denmar.

350D f/8 1/125 ISO 100

I couldn’t update last night because I was in Kitchener. Today I went to compete in the Skills Canada competition. There were technical problems all day. First the flash I borrowed from the school crapped out on me. I fixed it and then it happened again which really messed me up since we were shooting indoors without sufficient lighting. My RAW files would read in Photoshop CS2 but the head photographer of the competition was nice enough to transfer them all to JPEGs for me. Photoshop also crashed on me twice on simple operations which was really weird. There were just too many tech problems to deal with but I got through the day and finished. It was enjoyable and I met a lot of people and talked to other photographers. It was a great experience regardless of the technological failures that blundered me the entire day. I also only had three hours of sleep and slept on the floor. There was a lot against me, but I’m glad it’s done with. The results come out tomorrow, but I won’t know how I did till much later I think. Anyways, take care~